Our Team

Snopes.com is powered by a dedicated team of writers, editors, developers, and professionals who are passionate about fighting misinformation and serving our readers. Reach out to anyone on the team using the contact form.


Doreen Marchionni
Executive Editor/Managing Editor

Jessica Lee
Senior Assignments Editor

David Emery
Editor - Standards and Trust

Liz Donaldson
Editorial Assistant

Alex Kasprak
Senior Reporter

Jordan Liles
Senior Reporter

Izz Scott LaMagdaleine
NSF Fact-Checking Fellow

Nur Ibrahim

Aleksandra Wrona
Reporting Fellow

Company Management

Chris Richmond
CEO & Co-Owner

Drew Schoentrup

Justin Wohl
Chief Revenue Officer


David Mikkelson
Retired in 2022

Barbara Mikkelson
Retired in 2014


Note: Members of our editorial staff are precluded from donating to, or participating in, political campaigns, political party activities, or political advocacy organizations.